It is the Principal’s responsibility to ensure learning takes place in a safe and secure environment, that everyone has the opportunity to learn and that the learning is of a high standard to secure success in examinations. Enforcing discipline ensures that these goals are met and students are not disturbed as they work towards achieving the grades they require for their future careers. An academically successful school is therefore a disciplined school. Students who habitually disrupt learning or prevent teachers from performing their roles will be disciplined. It is the Principal’s duty to oversee discipline in the school, ensure it is consistently applied and implement measures to ensure bad behaviour does not repeat. Therefore at Kgaswe International School the Principal’s regulations can be defined through the school’s Ethos, Code of Conduct, Discipline Policy and other related policies outlined below.

The Kgaswe School motto “Know Thyself” forms the basis of the school ethos. Parents and pupils are requested to support us in achieving this goal.

We at Kgaswe believe in:

  • A commitment to the schools ethos of excellence and quality
  • Honesty, integrity and polite conduct
  • Tolerance and empathy
  • Trust and respect
  • Encouraging leadership and team spirit
  • Providing pupils with the skills to be international citizens
  • Education as a partnership between the school and home
  • Parents supporting the school in in all educational and discipline measures

These collective actions guide the thoughts and actions of the staff and pupils at Kgaswe International School.

The objective of the dress code is to ensure students are dressed smartly and neatly in line with the excellence
aspirations of the school.

The following Dress code must be adhered to at all times.

  • Makeup and nail varnish may not be worn.
  • Only one pair of stud earrings are worn.
  • Black leather tie/buckle shoes (not takkies) are worn.
  • Shirts should be worn tucked into the waistband of the skirt or trousers.
  • Skirts should be below the knee
  • Ties are worn under the collar, tied at the neck with the top shirt button closed.
  • Jewellery: Wrist watches, one pair of stud earrings (see above), religious symbols worn inside blouse or shirt are permitted. Medical alert bracelets may be worn.
  • Hair must be tidy and tied back if longer than shoulder length for Science labs and/or any activity where safety may be an issue.


Compulsary items:
Black leather school shoes
Grey or white socks
Grey trousers or shorts or grey skirt
White shirt

Optional items: in school colours
School cap or hat

PE kit items:
Training or PE shoes
White socks
Blue shorts
Blue golf Shirt with School logo
Blue swimming costume
Blue swimming cap
School cap or hat

Optional items
School tracksuit


All members of the Kgaswe community are encouraged to be conscious of litter and put it in the dust bins provided. We take pride in our school environment.


  • All cell phones should be handed in to the office during registration in the mornings
  • Cell phones cannot be taken into examination rooms
  • Other electronic devices are also to be handed in every morning
  • Cell phones are collected at the end of the day by the class Student Council representative.

In order to achieve our motto each pupil is expected to understand and follow the school rules and these


  • Pupils must commit themselves to do their school work during classes, complete homework and
    assignments and catch up work missed due ot absences


  • Pupils have an obligation to attend school regularly. The school should be notified in writing of an
  • Pupils are expected to arrive at school on time and be collected at the arranged times
  • Pupils selected for school teams are obliged to arrive on time and fulfil team obligations


  • Pupils are expected to be neatly and correctly dressed at all times as per the school dress rules


  • Each pupil is expected to have a suitable case or reinforced bag that will protect books
  • A replacement fee of a certain amount is to be paid for lost or damaged library and text books
  • School property damaged by a pupil will need to be repaired or replaced at their own expense


  • Pupils at Kgaswe International School are to conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their school
  • Pupils are to help protect and keep the school premises and grounds neat at all times
  • Class changes are to be conducted in an orderly way. Pupils are to walk quickly and quietly to the next class
  • Food and cold drinks must be stored in hygienic and leak proof containers
  • Chewing gum is not allowed at any school function
  • Bullying, fighting, teasing and the use of foul language are forbidden

Everyone has a right to work in a friendly, safe and encouraging school.

Students are expected to be accountable for their own behaviour, whilst teachers undertake to lead, guide, and support students in managing their behaviour. To develop individual responsibility, we expect our students to be:

Caring, Understanding, Open-minded, Reflective, Principled, Well-balanced, Enquiring, Knowledgeable, Polite, Honest, Tolerant, Understanding, Respectful and Cooperative.

Students’ main responsibility is to learn and encourage others to learn.

It is difficult to list all the specific rules needed to keep a complex institution running smoothly, so the list of rules can never be complete. Rules are necessary to create an environment which promotes study and academic achievement. The following rules are therefore designed to ensure an academic environment which
promotes discipline.

Students are expected to abide by the following rules:

  1. Complete homework tasks on time and to the best of their ability
  2. Carry out any instructions they have been given diligently
  3. Do not interrupt classes or prevent others from learning
  4. Show respect to others at all times
  5. Do not be rude or use foul language to teachers, staff and other students
  6. Stick to the uniform code at all times
  7. Do not bring cell phones to school
  8. Be punctual
  9. Do not damage school property
  10. Avoid rumour and gossip
  11. Stick to a “hands off” policy
  12. Avoid discrimination
  13. Avoid all drugs, including tobacco and alcohol
  14. Avoid any other misbehaviour which may be deemed inappropriate by the Principal

All issues relating to behaviour must be dealt with by the Principal. The Principal will keep a record of student behaviour and will refer to these when consulting with parents. Teachers must ensure that their classroom is a learning environment. Any disruption or misbehaviour must be dealt with swiftly. All students removed from class must be sent to the Principal’s office. The following options are available

Option  Action Responsible
 1 Study detention at break and lunch times. Students must take their books to the designated room to study during break and lunch times. This is supervised and monitored by Prefects. The duration of study detention is determined by the teacher or principal and a written note provided in the study detention file, kept in the administration office. Teachers, Principal
 2 Daily Performance Report Card. Students can be put on report on the recommendation of a teacher if their behaviour falls below the standard expected. Their performance and behaviour is recorded daily and filed. In such cases parents are informed and provided with a copy of the daily report. The principal is responsible for issuing and receiving daily performance records and reporting to parents. Principal, Parents
 3 Suspension. The principal is authorised to suspend without notice a student who performs a dangerous act or who is responsible for regular and/or serious breaches of the rights of others, verbal or physical assault, intimidation, vandalism, defiance, disruption, cheating etc. A written notice is prepared for the file and parents are informed. A meeting with parents, the principal and a designated teacher is convened to discuss the nature of the suspension and how the suspension can be ended. A permanent record of the suspension is held on file. Principal, Parents
 4  Expulsion. Depending upon the nature of the circumstances, the Director has the authority to expel a student. This may occur for an extremely serious act which endangers the students and staff at the school, alcohol or drugs issues or continued physical assault, vandalism, defiance, disruption, cheating etc. Expulsion is a serious issue and must be dealt with in collaboration with the parents and the school. A student is expelled once all information regarding the incident has been gathered and collated. A student may not remain in the school whilst under investigation and therefore will be suspended. The expulsion decision is made by the principal and staff. A written notice is prepared for the file and parents are informed. A meeting with parents, the principal and a designated teacher is convened to discuss the nature of the expulsion. A permanent record of the expulsion is held on file. Principal, Parents and Staff

The Principal has the authority to suspend immediately, without warning, any student in possession of a dangerous article(s) and who poses a clear and present danger to anyone. Articles such as weapons, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or any other dangerous substances or article will be confiscated and the sanction immediately applied. Anyone who is involved in violent activities will be suspended immediately.

In accordance with the Control of Smoking Act 1992 Kgaswe School operates a smoke free campus. We expect all members of our community to adhere to this policy.


The Board of Governors has established a policy with regard to the safety and conduct of all children at the school. In response to a request from both parents and teachers the Board has given the Principal authority to suspend immediately, without warning, any student in possession of a dangerous article(s) and who poses a clear and present danger to anyone. Such articles as weapons, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or any other dangerous substance or article will be confiscated and the sanction immediately applied.


The school believes in the importance of praise, whilst also expecting students to understand and benefit from constructive criticism. Celebration of students’ achievements can take many forms, including:

  • Praise by teachers
  • Display
  • Publication
  • Merit Certificates
  • Awards
  • Recognition Awards
  • Prizes

Recognition Ceremonies

At the end of the year Primary and Secondary students receive certificates highlighting achievement and positive personal development

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File name: 2021 Principals regulations

It is important to our parents that we have independent accreditation, and belongs to professional associations, thus ensuring we are creditable and do provide the type of service we advertise.

Kgaswe School is a member of several professional educational bodies – each with strict membership criteria.

  • Cambridge International Examinations Body
  • CHOPS – The Conference of Heads of Private Primary and Secondary Schools of Botswana ( Registered in Botswana and recognized by the Ministry of Education)
  • ISSSA – The Independent Secondary Schools Sports Association

To maintain our membership and accreditation we have to undergo periodic evaluations and we have to fulfill these association’s membership criteria.

Kgaswe School, together with the parents, strives to equip the individual child with the necessary skills and values to become a confident, compassionate international citizen, who in an effective thinker and life long learner, able to contribute meaningfully to society.

We strive to maintain the highest possible internationally comparable standards in all aspects of our education - academic, social, moral, spiritual, cultural and physical. We measure these by monitoring our academic results with Cambridge International Examinations, the Academic Biathlon Examinations and well as internationally standardized tests.

Our sporting and cultural standards are measured by our performance on an on-going basis against other similar type of schools. Our staff and parents monitor social, moral and spiritual standards and all pupils subscribe to our school ethos, have guidance counseling and religious education lessons. We also have a training scheme in operation to develop and measure performance in various aspects of these.

We at Kgaswe believe in:

  • A commitment to the school’s ethos of excellence and quality.
  • Honesty, integrity and polite conduct, tolerance and empathy, trust and respect
  • Encouraging leadership and team spirit
  • Providing pupils with the skills to be international citizens
  • Education as a partnership between the school in all educational and discipline measures

Kgaswe International School began as a small school with 6 pupils in 1986. The only teacher and headmistress was Mrs. Gill. The school started in Mrs Gill's home. The parents were all employees of Botswana Power Corporation who had opened up Morupule Power Station near to the town of Palapye. Botswana Power Corporation decided to assist the new school and provided a prefabricated building for the school to move into. This building is currently the school's administration block. Mrs. Gill remained at Kgaswe until 1989 during which time the school grew slowly. In 1990, Mr. Keith Milford was appointed headmaster. During his term of office, the school began to grow a little faster and new classroom blocks were built to accommodate this expansion. Mr. Milford remained at Kgaswe until 1994.

In August 1994, Mr. Roger Buckley took..

In August 1994, Mr. Roger Buckley took over the reigns as headmaster. Kgaswe Primary started to grow quite quickly. A Nursery School section was opened in 1996. By this time it was decided to open up a second class in each standard. This meant that more new classrooms would have to be built. A new Standard 1 block was erected early in 1997. Also during this time, sporting facilities began to spring up on the school grounds. A grass field 120 m X 80 m was laid. Two tennis courts and two netball courts were built. Mr. Buckley remained at Kgaswe until August 1997.

Mr. Phil Hess began as headmaster in August 1997, having moved from Acacia Primary School in Jwaneng. Late in 1997, a Gazebo was constructed between the netball courts and the grass field. A new classroom block with 4 classrooms, offices and store rooms were built in 1999.

Kgaswe International School continues to grow. Further expansion in the form of a Pre-Primary block was also completed.

Type of School

Kgaswe International School is an international, independent, co-educational, English Medium Primary and Secondary School. Kgaswe is a non-profit school and does not have an owner or shareholders that take any profit or payment from the school. All monies generated by school fees - our only significant form of income, are put directly back into the running of the school. Our school fees and budgets are set to cover operational costs and not to generate profits.

Kgaswe International School is a Company Limited by Guarantee, formed in accordance with the Botswana Companies Act 42:01 (as amended) and registered with the Registrar of Companies, Botswana on 25th November 1994. It is also officially registered with the Botswana Ministry of Education- Registration number - E5/14/81– with Botswana Power Corporation as the body corporate subscriber.

The company consists of seven subscribers that originally formed the school and to which the Board of Governors report annually at the AGM. The Board of Governors are elected annually at the AGM according to the Articles of Association of Kgaswe International School. The school is strictly not for profit. Governors are not paid and all staff are salaried.

The educational policies and the day to day running of the school are the responsibility of the Managing Director. He is an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors, in the capacity of secretary. The Governing Body appoints the Managing Director.

The Governors approve and set the school policies, budget and appointments of staff. They also set fees etc. and engage in other activities allowed by the Memorandum of Association.

We strive to maintain the highest possible internationally comparable standards in all aspects of our education - academic, social, moral, spiritual, cultural and physical. We measure these by monitoring our academic results with Cambridge International Examinations, the Academic Biathlon Examinations and well as internationally standardized tests.

Our sporting and cultural standards are measured by our performance on an on-going basis against other similar type of schools. Our staff and parents monitor social, moral and spiritual standards and all pupils subscribe to our school ethos, have guidance counseling and religious education lessons. We also have a training scheme in operation to develop and measure performance in various aspects of these.